Creating the Future with Digitalization
As one of the core exhibitions of the Asia-Pacific International Intelligent Equipment Expo, China (Qingdao) International Industrial Robot Exhibition comprehensively displays the new achievements, new applications and system integration solutions of robot technology and related supporting products, facing the opportunities and challenges in the era of robot industry transformation, focusing on the cutting-edge technology and industrial development trends of global intelligent robots, builds an international exchange and cooperation platform that integrates high-tech exhibitions, industry forums, and high-tech achievement transactions and economic & trade negotiations, which will contribute new wisdom and injecting new vitality to the development of the global robot industry.
As the core driving force of the global new industrial revolution, intelligent manufacturing is constantly breaking through new technologies and developing new ecology. Among them, as the most representative equipment of intelligent manufacturing industry, industrial robots have taken advantage of the dual factors of market demand and continuous accumulation and innovation of their own technologies. As the region with the strongest development of industrial robots, the Asia-Pacific region has unique economic advantages.
The industry in the Bohai Rim region has unique geographical advantages, resource advantages and economic advantages. It is an important domestic high-end equipment research and development, design and manufacturing base. It is convenient to build a supply and demand business platform, and it has become an important help for the matching of industrial robot exhibitors with local industries.
With the continuous acceleration of Qingdao's robot industry ecology, the concentrated development of industrial clusters and industrial bases/parks has initially formed a competitive advantage covering the upper, middle and lower reaches of the industrial chain. And Qingdao has a solid manufacturing base and rich robot application scenarios.
Qingdao is based in the core economic area of China, Japan and South Korea, focusing on introducing a number of advantageous enterprises in emerging industries such as intelligent manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, mechanical equipment, electronic information, new energy and new materials, gathering technology and human resources, forming an industrial cluster with industrial agglomeration and related development.
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